Alliance of Women Film Journalists
Sonic Cinema (Grade: A-): Review and Interview
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"Delightful in just about every way... Though it may not get the mechanics of quantum physics exactly right, SPEED OF LIFE gets everything else about how the universe works just about perfect."- Tim Cogshell,
"Full of introspect, intellect and moments of endearment, Liz Manashil has created a temporal, emotionally complex little film that’s as difficult to ignore as it’s musical muse, David Bowie, himself." - Maggie Stankiewicz, Starry Constellation Magazine
"... a quirky new indie rom-com that blends genres in a refreshingly seamless way. Witty, insightful, and featuring an ingenious and thoroughly creative concept, this ends up being one of the first big surprises of the new decade." - Sean Boelman, Disappointment Media
"Manashil has made the rare futuristic fantasy that is driven by emotion rather than special effects – one that examines an intriguing what-if as well as paying homage to a great artist."- Susan Wloszczyna, Alliance of Women Film Journalists Women On Film
“A delightful piece of lo-fi sci-fi.”- Kip Mooney (College Movie Review)
“Lovely and thoughtful" - Brian Skutle (Sonic Cinema)